0135-6617365/ 369, 9837361109 spring.hills.school@gmail.com

GK Quiz Competition 2019


The annual GK Quiz competition was held on Saturday, July 03, 2019 in the school hall from 08:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Four houses namely Badri, Kedar, Gangotri, Yamnotri took part in this competition. Eight Participants from each house represented their house in all seven rounds.

Round-1 Sports (Cricket & Badminton)

Round-2 Technology & Computer after 2000

Round-3 Dehradun based questions

Round-4 History of Spring Hills School

Round-5 Films & Fashions after 2000

Round-6 Inventions (1900-1950)

Round-7 Rapid Fire Round

Badri House got 225 marks and Secured 1st Position, While Yamnotri House got 205 marks and stood 2nd. The decision of winner was done in the extra round as Badri and Yamnotri were at equal place upto the last round.

Management and Principal thanked all the teachers and students for their efforts. The anchoring was done by Ritu Bisht & Kanchan Gusain.